Havenfall: Single Player is a variant of the standard 2-4 player game. The player must gain 10 points before either running out of monsters or losing all 6 towns from monster attacks.
Printable Items:
Single Player: 8 Crystal Cards
Single Player: Rule Book
Single Player: Opponent Mat
This mode requires the 8 printable Crystal Cards. The rule book explains how to setup single player and lists changes to specific cards. The last printable item is optional, but recommended. The opponent mat is placed in the play space for the player to take cards from the “fake player.” Examples of this function: Sword, Wizard, Blade Master Quin, Talon of Fate.
Note: This mode is meant to be a challenge and not always winnable. This can also teach players how best to maximize their turns.
Playthrough by The Dicey Review
The future of Single Player
We will be releasing campaigns for each color throughout the year that will offer specific card setups and their own challenges. Each campaign will have 4 missions within them, with extra objectives.